Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Intro

My name is Mel and I like to run.
I did a few Triathlon's over the summer and became hooked. For me, working out is a release. I workout when I'm happy sad, and any emotion in between.
My favorite is hitting the trail. I love mountain biking and trail running. I also often like to think of myself as a purist. I ran on an indoor track today, and I didn't run with an iPod. Its not that I never had or don't believe it helps, but often times I like to find a rhythm. Music too many times blocks out that subtle rhythm, and becomes a crutch. Of course, some days I need that crutch.
Tomorrow I can't wait to head out early and support some of my friends that are doing the columbus 13.1 and 26.2! It makes me think how I want to do a half.
Speaking of training, what am I training for?
I'm asking myself that question a lot. Being pretty competitive I always am looking for the next challenge. Like I said, I would love to do a half, and focus just on running. I would also love to do an olympic or half distance triathlon. Right now, I've signed up for some clubs here at OSU, and just see where that takes me.
This morning...
WAS AMAZING! A morning run starts my day on the perfect note. I love crawling out of my bed before everyone else, following the natural rhythm of my body, and heading out to run. I've been stuck on the indoor track since I don't really know any routes around C-bus yet, but that will change soon. I need a garmin. asap.

Heading off to just relax and get some homework done.